Hola, Diosas, actualmente estamos en ENVÍO DE (1) DÍA. Puede comunicarse con nosotros al 504-287-4515 o al 504-287-4554 de lunes a domingo, de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. ¡Asegúrate de seguir nuestras redes sociales haciendo clic en los enlaces a continuación! Mantente saludable 😘 ❤️ y mucho amor ❤️❤️
Get it. Cause I�ve been getting money opportunities and my candle isn�t even finished burning. My candle was hot and dancing and High flame. I dressed it with herbs of my liking because I�m already in the lifestyle of physical magic. But baby get you a candle even if you not and just want money opportunities. It works if you believe it does