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These are the teas that should not be steeped for more than 15 minutes!

Addiction Free

Allergy Relief

Blood Purifier

Breathe Easy

Cramps Be Gone

Digestive Relief

Goddess Biotics

Golden Goddess

Golden Milk Flow

Heart Health


Migraine Banisher

No More Anxiety

Parasite Punisher

Pressure Control

Sperm Vitality

Sunshine Skin Glow

Yoni Wipeout

Youth Healer


Addiction Free: Helps addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, weed and opioids. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Allergy Relief: Helps with seasonal allergies and food sensitivities. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Afterbirth Healing: Helps restore the hormones and uterus after childbirth. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Baby Boom: Trying to conceive, tilted uterus, low egg count, incompetent cervix, uterus detox, multiple miscarriages, tones, strengthens, detoxifies, fertility, hormonal imbalance, pcos( add fibroid fighter if you have cyst,) polyps(add fibroid fighter). *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Baby Boom Plus: See Baby Boom, stronger version, and usually recommend for someone who has been trying for more than 5 to 7 years. Can still be used if you would like to start with this one opposed to the Baby Boom.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Baby Boom Supreme: See Baby Boom, the strongest version, usually for someone older than 40, whose been trying for 10 or more years. Can still be used if you would like to start with this tea first opposed to the Baby Boom.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Brain Enhancement: Use to support healthy brain function. May help with mental alertness from those who suffer with ADHD or Autism. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Breathe easy: Asthma, inflammation (pair with blood purifier,) Congestion, COPD, blood clot in the lungs, pneumonia, Joint Pain and anything affecting breathing and lungs.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Blood Purifier: Helps purifier the blood, cleanse blood and skin, builds up the blood, brings oxygen to the blood, skin conditions (pair with Sunshine Skin Glow,) inflammation and joint pain (pair with the breathe easy.)**Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Bye menopause: Helps with menopause and symptoms. Low egg reserve. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Cramps be gone: a with cramps and pms symptoms. Reduces blood flow and time.( Also helps cramps associated with fibroids). This tea is included in the fibroid fighter package.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Cold and Flu: This tea is designed to help overcome the aches, pains, runny nose, headache, etc, rapidly.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Colic Ease: This tea blend is designed to help fussy and/or gassy babies find some relief. If the baby is breast fed, the mother should drink it while feeding the baby. If the baby is not breast fed, give the baby one teaspoon of the tea 30 minutes before easting.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Crown Chakra: This blend is designed to help open ones crown chakra*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Digestive Relief: Helps aid in removing and cleansing the digestive tract, removes bad bacteria from the gut, use for Crohn's disease, BV (included in the BV package,) worms in the gut, ulcers, heartburn, Indigestion, constipation, hernias ( pair with the pressure control.) **Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Diminished Convulsions: This tea is designed to help, Convulsions, seizures and shock.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Divine Iron: Helps build iron, brings oxygen to the blood, may help sustain different blood type pregnancies. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Divine Baby Wash: Powered herbs to bathe your newborn in. Instructions: Add 1/4 of a cup to baby bath or bath tub and wipe baby down, then rinse.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Endometriosis Eliminator: Helps break down the excess tissue associated with endometriosis. *May bleed more as the tissue breaks up, If you find that this is the case, avoid while on your menstrual. **Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Eye Magic: Helps restore vision, helps control sugar, diabetes, high blood pressure, pancreas. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Inflammation Ease: Helps with inflammation in the body including arthritis.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Fever Release: This tea is help designed to reduce fevers and children and adults.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Fibroid Fighter: Helps to break up and eliminate Fibroids, cyst, tumors, mass tissue, scar tissue, boils and blocked tubes.**Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Fungal Fighter: Helps with fungal infections caused by worms. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Gentle Yoni Soak: Powered soak, helps to soothe irritation from all vagina infections. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Get My Weight Up: This tea blend is designed to help you gain weight. Can not be taking pregnant or nursing, nor can it be customized.

Goddess Biotics: Helps to relieve infections that would require the use of antibiotics.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Golden Goddess: Can be used as a prenatal vitamin (pair with Divine Iron,) helps with thyroid conditions, radiation poison, and immunity and multi mineral/vitamin.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Golden Milk Flow: Helps to aide in the production of breast milk, helps to restore minerals to the breast.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Hemorrhage Free: Helps to relieve hemorrhage caused by hormonal imbalances, fibroids, and endometriosis and after birth. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Heart Health: This tea is designed to aid in strengthen the heart. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Heart Chakra: This blend is designed to help open ones heart chakra*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Heavy Metal Detox: This tea blend is designed to help detox heavy metals from your body.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Hold On Baby: This tea is designed to POTENTIALLY help a baby hold on when a Miscarriage is taking place. How do you know if you need this tea? Your bleeding and cramping severely,  your HGC levels are dropping or any other symptoms signaling a miscarriage.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

I Can See: This tea is designed to help blindness, night vision and gulcoma.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Immunity Booster: This tea is designed to help build the immune system.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Inflammation Ease: Helps with inflammation in the body including arthritis.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Kidney Kidney: Helps to restore properly functioning kidneys. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Knockout: This tea should only be taken at night. It is designed to help you fall into a deep sleep.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Labor Ease: Used throughout labor to lessen contractions and help with exhaustion.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Loving My Liver: This tea is designed to help restore the proper function of the liver. It also helps break down the fat cell of a fatty liver.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing. 

Lymph Cleanser: This blend is designed to help cleanse the lymphatic system.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Melanin Memory: This tea is designed to increase the amount of melanin in the brain and pineal gland. Also helps with increasing memory support.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Migraine Banisher: Helps to relieve migraines. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

No More Anxiety: Helps to relieve anxiety, depression, postpartum depression, nervous system conditions, autoimmune disorders( pair with blood purifier,) autism, asd, Alzheimer's and mercury toxicity. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

No More Madness: This tea blend is designed to help mental illness's, such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Parasite Punisher: This blend is designed to help eliminate parasites. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Pineal Power: Awaken the connection to the heavens. They call it the THIRD eye but I call it the FIRST. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Pressure Control: Helps aid in stabilizing pressure,( use eye magic if pregnant or on high blood pressure medicine,) helps memory, umbilical hernia (pair with digestive relief.) *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Progesterone Rising: Helps to raise progesterone levels before pregnancy. Helps to raise levels of progesterone while pregnant, if pregnant, take until after the week you usually miscarry. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Root Chakra: This blend is designed to help open ones root chakra.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Sacral Chakra: This blend is designed to help open ones sacral chakra.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Solar Plexus Chakra: This blend is designed to help open ones solar plexus chakra.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Soothing Yoni Steam: Steam used to restore vaginal health. Instructions: Boil water, pour 1/4 of a cup into the water. For complete instructions please use youtube as a visual by typing in "Yoni steaming at home." *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Sperm Vitality: Increases Libido, cleanses, renews, and builds sperm count. Helps correct morphology sperm. Helps undescended testicles. Balances the hormones and increase stamina. Aides in prostate care.

 Sunshine skin glow: Hair, nail and skin mineral as well as all skin conditions (pair with Blood Purifier) **Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Sugar Craving Eliminator: Helps to fight sugar cravings, Appetite suppressant. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Third Eye Chakra: This blend is designed to help open ones third eye chakra.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Throat Chakra: This blend is designed to help open ones throat chakra. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Tight Tight Steam: Designed to shrink the excess tissue making your kooty tighter. Even though it's a steam, it can still be used as a tea.

Vanish Cravings: Helps to fight food cravings. **Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Wet Wet: Helps to restore vaginal wetness, helps with hormonal imbalances, tones and strengthens the uterus, increases sex drive.**Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Womb Lifter: For tilted and prolapse uterus. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

Yeast Destroyer: Helps destroy yeast and yeast infections. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

 Yoni infection Wipeout: Helps with vaginal infections and std's.**Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

 Youth Healer: Helps build immunity, multi mineral/vitamin, helps with radiation poison, adhd, autism, asd, nutritious. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.


BV Package: Helps with Bacterial Vaginosis

Consist of three teas:

  • Baby Boom (balances the hormones,)
  • Digestive Relief (removes the bad bacteria from the gut)
  • Blood Purifier (Cleanses the blood.)

*For chronic BV please start with at least two packages!

**Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!


Fibroid Fighter Package: See Fibroid Fighter description.

Consist of three teas:

  • Fibroid Fighter (Breaks/shrinks Fibroids,)
  • Baby Boom (balances the hormones) 
  • Cramps Be Gone ( reduces bleeding and cramping as Fibroids break up.)
*There is not a set time for the Fibroids to be completely gone, everyone is different.

 **Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Gentle Detox Package : Gently detoxes the body.

Consist of three teas:

  • Vanish cravings (Appetite Suppressant)
  • Blood Purifier (Blood cleanser) 
  • Digestive Relief ( gut cleanser.)

**Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Pregnancy Collection: Taking as prenatal care during pregnancy.

Consists of two teas

  • Golden Goddess ( Nutrients, Minerals and Vitamins,)
  • Divine Iron ( Iron is one of the most important minerals to have pregnant.)

 Radiance Skin Care Package: Helps with skin conditions.

Consists of two teas and one face mask.

  • Radiance Face Mask (Apply on skin,)
  • Blood Purifier (blood cleanser) 
  • Sunshine Skin Glow (skin conditions.)

**Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!

Butters and Oils:

 Baby Boom Fertility Lotion: Use to strengthen, tone, detoxify and increases fertility. Rub on uterus and ovaries, three times a day. *Can be used pregnant and nursing

     Belly Blaster Lotion: Helps to fight belly fat. Apply to belly 3xs a day *May increase bowel movements.

    Beauty Brow Oil- Use to nourish and repair the damage done by chemicals on the lashes. May help to stimulate hair brow growth. 

    Congestion Free Rub: Help aids in congestion of the lungs, throat and nose. Apply as needed to those areas. Also can be used to fight Varicose vein. Rub on the affected area three times a day.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

      Cayenne Pepper: Most store bought cayenne pepper is mixed with other peppers and not 100% cayenne. In order for your cayenne pepper to be effective, it needs to be at least 30,000 heat unit. This cayenne pepper is 160,000 heat units! Add this to any tea to increase its effectiveness.

      Cold Sore Zapper: The blend of oils is designed to help clear up your herpes break outs sooner! *Contains tree nut oil so please let us know if you are allergic to any.

      Date Suga Scrub: This is an exfoliate that contains sugar dates, grapeseed oil and burdock oil. Apply gently to the skin with a finger and rub in small, circular motions. 

      Diaper Rash Relief: Helps soothe rashes on babies. Gently rub or tap on affected area.

      Empress Kitty Butter: Helps to tighten and soften vagina and lips. *Do not put in the vagina. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

      Feed Me Hair Butter: Strengthens and helps grow healthy hair. Can be used as a conditioner. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

      Feed Me hair oil: Strengthens and helps grow healthy hair. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

      Fibroid Fighter Lotion: Helps to break up the Fibroids. 

      Apply on the Fibroid, three times a day.

       **Can be used while pregnant but has to be customized! Please leave a comment and let us know!



      Fungal & Yeast Lotion: This lotion helps fight yeast and fungus on the skin.

      Goddess Body Wash: This body wash, with essential is very hydrating and cleansing. Because we handmake our body wash without chemicals, it has a light lather but is super cleansing.

      Goddess Aphrodisiac Body Butter: This butter can be rubbed on the entire body to get you in the mood.

      Goddess Aphrodisiac Lip Butter:  !! PLEASE Make sure that the butter is COMPLETELY absorbed into the skin before intercourse. !! This butter is designed to getting the blood pumping to your kooty! It's a natural aphrodisiac designed to get you in the mood. 

      Goddess Aphrodisiac Oil: Place this oil on your neck, wrist or wherever you feel the need.

      Goddess Glow: This body oil is super hydrating leaving your skin with a soft, shiny glow!

      Goddess Love Water: Spray this water whenever there is a need for love in the room, work , on yourself , on your candles. etc.

      Golden Milk Flow: Promotes the flow of breast milk.

      Herbal Nutrient Spray: Use this sparky whenever, it fills the hair with nutrients on top of nutrients, helps to turn grey hair back to it's existing color. Promotes hair growth and strength.

      Inflammation Ease Oil: This oil is designed to help with inflammation in the body.

      Kooty Mist: Use the mist after using the bathroom or when you need to feel refreshed. Infused with cucumber and wild rose water along with papaya and other essential oils

      Lavender Butter - Mixed with Baobob is an excellent moisturize for the skin. 

      Lovely Lash oil -Use to nourish and repair the damage done by chemicals on the lashes. May help to stimulate hair growth in the lashes.

      Ghana Shea butter with Baobab: It's an excellent moisturizer for the skin while replenishing the skin cells. Other properties: Antioxidant – protects skin from free radical damage. Anti-Inflammatory – high content of omega fatty acids protects skin from free radical damage. Promotes wound healing and UV protection. Improves the elasticity of the skin.*Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

      No More Anxiety Lotion: Rub this lotion on before bed or when your anxiety or depression levels are high. Can also be used for nerve pain.

      Radiance Face Mask: Reviving mask, instructions online. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

      Revive Toothpaste: May help re-mineralize tooth enamel, gums and gum repair (can apply directly to gums, leave on for 10 mins and rinse.)

      Shungite Face Mask: Detoxing mask, Instructions online. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing.

      Spermaninator: Rub Gently on balls and penis shaft, can be used directly on penis BUT not directly before sex.

      Sacred Womb Oil: Removes emotional and physical blockages from the womb, excellent for womb massages.

      Shungite Cell Phone Protector: 5G compatible, Wifi and 5G that comes from cell phones, Tablets, IPads, computers, headphones and Bluetooth speakers. Especially good to have on kids devices. *Can be used while pregnant and nursing