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Tea Instructions

These are the teas that should not be steeped for more than 10 minutes!

Addiction Free · Allergy Relief · Blood Purifier · Breathe Easy · Cramps Be Gone · Digestive Relief · Goddess Biotics Golden Goddess · Golden Milk Flow · Heart Health · Knockout · Migraine Banisher · No More Anxiety · Parasite Punisher · Pressure Control · Sperm Vitality · Sunshine Skin Glow · Yoni Wipeout · Youth Healer 

How To Prepare The Tea:

*You will need a tea strainer which can be purchased from our website but any mesh strainer will do.

Drinking 1 tea:

You will need to repeat this process three times everyday
Place 1 teaspoon of your herb in your strainer and place it in the cup or bowl of your choice.
Bring 8 ounces of spring water to a boil for a few minutes or until the water is bubbling.
Pour the water over the herb and sit the strainer in the cup to steep for 10 minutes.
Once the 10 minutes are done, remove the strainer and discard the herbs outside or in the trash.
Wait until the tea gets to room temperature, then you can start drinking.

Drinking 2 teas:

You will need to repeat this process two times everyday
Place 1 teaspoon of each herb in your strainer and place it in the cup or bowl of your choice.
Bring 16 ounces of spring water to a boil for a few minutes or until the water is bubbling.
Pour the water over the herb and sit the strainer in the cup to steep for 10 minutes.
Once the 10 minutes are done, remove the strainer and discard the herbs outside or in the trash.
Wait until the tea gets to room temperature, then you can start drinking.

Drinking 3 teas:

You will need to repeat this process two times everyday
Place 1 teaspoon of each herb in your strainer and place it in the cup or bowl of your choice.
Bring 24 ounces of spring water to a boil for a few minutes or until the water is bubbling.
Pour the water over the herb and sit the strainer in the cup to steep for 10 minutes.
Once the 10 minutes are done, remove the strainer and discard the herbs outside or in the trash.
Wait until the tea gets to room temperature, then you can start drinking.

Additional Information:

  • If you are new to taking the teas, please only drink 2 teas at a time. Once you’ve been drinking for 4-5 months, then you can start taking three at a time.
  • If you are suggested more than 2 teas, we recommend pairing & alternating the teas, taking them on different days.
  • Please make sure the teas are stored in a dry, cool area and that the top is screwed on tight as bugs may be attracted to it.
  • If any tea is leftover, it can be refrigerated for up to 2 days.

 Natural Alternatives

Conditioner - olive oil, grape seed oil Ear infections - coconut oil rubbed on the outside of the ear
Soap - black soap or Dr. Bonners baby soap
Toothpaste - Revive toothpaste made with powdered herbs and love, leaving your teeth squeaky clean and freshens breath.
- Raw Unrefined Ghana Shea Butter - A creamy whipped texture unrefined
Shea Butter, w/Baobab oil (highest vitamin C, antioxidant of any fruit
along with grapeseed and other oils.
supherbbontanicals.etsy.com - elderberry syrup and Seamoss gel-
For Best Results, please follow the Guidelines Below:

Things To void:

* Smoking
* Alcohol – including beer and wine
* Radiation
* Caffeine
* Cascara
* Aspirin
* Anti-histamines
* Laxative (including flaxseed and Castro oil)
* Anti-Acids
* Diuretics
* Hair dyes
* Perms
* Hemorrhoid
* Chemical simulates sand repression

Dr. Sebi Food List:


* Amaranth greens – same as Callao, a variety of Spinach
* Avocado
* Bell Peppers
* Chayote (Mexican Squash)
* Cucumber
* Dandelion greens
* Garbanzo beans (chick peas)
* Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf- grows naturally in California
* Kale
* Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
* Mushrooms (all, except Shitake)
* Nopales – Mexican Cactus
* Okra
* Olives (and olive oil)
* Onions
* Parsley
* Purslane
* Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nor)
* Squash
* Tomato – cherry and plum only
* Tomatillo
* Turnip greens
* Watercress
* Zucchini

Nuts & Seeds

 * Brazil Nuts
* Hemp Seed
* Raw Sesame Seeds
* Raw Sesame “Tahini” Butter
* Walnuts
* Oils:
* Olive Oil (Do not cook)
* Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
* Grape seed Oil
* Sesame Oil
* Hempseed Oil
* Avocado Oil


* (No canned fruits or Seedless fruits)

* Apples

* Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana)

* Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries

* Cantaloupe

* Cherries

* Currants

* Dates

* Figs

* Grapes -seeded

* Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)

* Mango

* Melons -seeded

* Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find)

* Papayas

* Peaches

* Pears

* Plums

* Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit)

* Prunes

* Raisins -seeded

* Soft Jelly Coconuts (and coconut oil)

* Soursops – (Latin or West Indian markets)

* Tamarind


*  Date “Sugar – (from dried dates)

Alkaline Grains 

* Amaranth * Fonio * Kamut * Quinoa * RyeSpelt (lightly) * Teff * Wild Rice Foods to avoid not on list * Nutritional guide, especially * Sugar, GMO, soy, Soda and caffeine * Pasteurized juices. * All fish, red meat * Prefer to avoid all meats and dairy

Spices & Seasonings

* Achiote
* Basil
* Bay leaf
* Cayenne/African Bird Pepper
* Cloves
* Dill
* Habanero
* Onion Powder
* Oregano
* Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has “sea taste”)
* Pure Sea Salt
* Sage
* Savory
* Sweet Basil
* Tarragon
* Thyme 


* If you are combating parasite, avoid eating dried fruits and sugary fruit. High water fruits should be consumed, watermelon, honey dew, papaya, etc.

* Please limit carbohydrates, parasite love carbs… healthy or not.

Love Making Tips For Infertility

* Having intercourse during the day can increase the chances of
getting pregnant. When making love, do not think about conception as this will cause stress on the body.

* Being exposed to morning sunlight activates ovulation.

* 74% of all miscarriages and 50% of all infertility are caused by weak sperm. Please be aware that when using this product, for optimal results your partner must use the sperm vitality.

* Purchasing the sperm vitality for your partner increases your chances of conception, even if they are no suspected issue.

For best results, these herbs should be taken 3 to 6 months, but result can be sooner if the above guidelines are followed.


If purchased the tea, omit eating the following foods as they are heavy in estrogen.
* Chickpeas
* Spelt flour
Please note you may bleed heavier as the fibroids began to break down.
Squeezing a key lime in your tea twice a day will help with bleeding.

Yeast Infections:

* Limit carbs on the list to once a week.
* No dried fruit! They don’t contain water and will make the yeast grow
* No bread
* You should consume high water fruits.

 Yoni Steam

* Use 1/3 of a cup of tea to a boiling pot of water, allow to cool, covering the pot while doing so, wrap a towel around your waist and kneel over the pot as if you are sitting on a toilet. Steams up to 45 mins, 15 minutes minimum. There are many YouTube videos you can use as a visual.

Children’s tea instructions

* Prepare the same way as the adult tea; the difference is they do not have to consume more than ¼ of the tea (2oz) to begin healing. Those who are 12+, make sure to drink the entire 8oz cup as adults.


* Eating foods solely from this list is heavily suggested to heal from all alignments.

* Do NOT drink tea hot or cold, room temperature is best.

* If you are using the blood purifier, you must stay on track, the more toxins you consume the harder the body must fight to get rid them.

* Visit Ty’s conscious kitchen on YouTube, Rah’s alkaline handbook, and Alkaline vegan mommy on facebook, for great recipes on how to prepare the foods on this list.

* Please drink at least one gallon of spring water to help assist the body in the removal of toxins.

* Cysts and fibroid blend expect heavier bleeding and stomach cramps

Some Notes

* Common detox symptoms include: headaches, excess sweating, frequent bowl movements, in some cases acne as the toxins try to release themselves, slight nausea.

*  **All teas can be customized for pregnancy and nursing, You must leave a note at checkout. 

* *Everyone is different, so there isn't a definite time for results

* *You can use the teas back to back

* *Do not use the blood purifier, gentle detox package or steam with an idu

* *We ship worldwide.

* *We use raw, organic, wild crafted herbs always

* *Comes in an eight ounce, lead free, glass jar (2 week supply.)

People you should know: Dick Gregory, Dr. Delbert Blair, Dr. Llaila Afrika and Dr. Sebi.

Visit my YouTube channel for a visual on how to prepare my teas @ Krystalthehealthadvocate.

 Thank you for your purchase. Thank yourself for your new journey

 Much love, 
