Hey, ya'll!! The max number of booklets that can be place in an order is 7. Express shipping cutoff time is 2:50 pm cst. Due to the high volume of orders that were received, we are currently backed up with shipping about 2 weeks. We are currently working on January 25- 30 orders. You can reach us at (504) 287 - 4515 or (504) -287-4554. Monday - Saturday from 9am to 5pm CST / Sunday 10am - 3pm CST for information regarding your order! Make sure you follow our social media pages! Stay healthy and much love ❤️❤️

Colonoscopy Cleanser

Colonoscopy Cleanser

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This blend is designed to flush the colon. It is paired well with the Digestive Relief as well as the Parasite Punisher. Herbs like Soursop Leaf and Nettle Leaf, it is designed to get even the toughest stains off of your colon wall. *The blends are subject to change at any time.

Can't be taken if you are pregnant or nursing

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